Gettysburg, PA – During the January 22nd 2025 Adams County Board of Commissioners’ meeting County Commissioners Randy Phiel, Jim Martin, and Marty Qually welcomed County Historian Tim Smith and President & CEO Andrew Dalton of the Adams County Historical Society for a brief history of Adams County’s origins which was formed on this day January 22nd 1800. Tim and Andrew showcased some items for the ACHS’s collection from the time of Adams County’s formation including a copy of ‘The Adams Sentinel’ dated March 4th 1801 which included an article on Tomas Jefferson’s inauguration and an image of the first Adams County Court house.
In celebration of Adams County’s 225th birthday, county residents are invited to enjoy free admission to Beyond the Battle Museum at the Adams County Historical Society 625 Biglerville Rd, Gettysburg! ACHS will also have a variety of scavenger hunts for younger visitors. Plus, they will be offering two free screenings of Jake Boritt’s film, Adams County USA, at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM in the Battlefield Overlook Event Center. For more information visit achs-pa.org.