Hanover Borough Finance & Personnel Council Workshop – 9/21/2022

SEPTEMBER 21 ST , 2022 – 7:00 PM

1. Public Comment
2. Acknowledgement of Executive Session if Any
3. Consent Agenda

a. Minutes: August 17 th , 2022
b. Finance Reports:

i. Approve Bills for Payment
ii. Accept Monthly Financial Statement
iii. Accept Report of Monthly Investments

c. Special Events: Approve

i. Main Street: Ribbon Cutting Bank Lane 10/13/22 5PM-11PM
ii. Trick or Treat: Tuesday, 10/25/22 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
iii. IPCA Church: Wirt Park 9/24 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM
iv. One More for Jesus: Wirt Park 10/29/22 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

d. Market House Lease: Approve lease agreements

i. Jarfulls by Jessica: 4.5 months for one stall rental $310.00
ii. Hanover Lions Club: 11/19-12/17 for one stall rental $60.00
iii. Hanover Lions Club: 10/1 for Tag Day (no stall rental)

e. Sewer Credit Requests per Resolution #1067

i. Randy Posner: 725 Washington Avenue – $212.72
ii. Hanover Public School District: 403 Moul Avenue – $380.64
f. Monitoring Well Agreement: Approve placement of two wells in alleyway
g. Keyless Entry Agreement: Approve agreement with Market House vendors for
access outside normal Market hours


3. Consent Agenda, continued

h. Minimum Municipal Obligation for Pension Plans: Approve
i. Resolution for disposition of records: Approve

4. Presentations / Interviews / Related Actions

a. Finance Director, Jim Shelton: 2021 Audited Financials, 2022 Year-to-date
Update, and 2023 Preliminary Budget Presentation

5. Finance, Personnel and Administration

a. 2023 Reorganization: Approve organization chart for 2023 personnel budget
and hiring of a Utilities Business Manager
b. Retirement Incentive: Approve incentive for retirement prior to January 1 st ,
c. Eligibility List for Police Hires – direct Civil Service Commission to create an
eligibility list from the September 2022 MYPTC testing list

6. Governance & Policy Committee

a. Bid Procurement, Contracts, & Purchasing: Approve Policy & Procedures
b. Borough Council Members and Staff Appropriate Relationship: Review

7. Department of Planning and Engineering

a. Rental Registration: Approve Advertisement of Ordinance
b. Doss Alley: Approve bid to ARRO Consulting, Inc. in the amount of $54,000
(Borough responsibility $22,000)
c. Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) Amendments: Receive
Work Product of Planning Commission and Approve Advertisement of

8. Public Works & Facilities Committee

a. Roof Replacement Bid: Award bid to Mid-State Roofing and Coating, Inc in
the amount of $964,000 for the roof replacement at Guthrie Memorial Library

9. Economic Development Committee

a. Change of Committee Name and Purpose: Approve recommendation

10. Public Safety Committee

a. Fireworks Ordinance: Approve Advertisement of Ordinance
11. Reports of Council Members, Council Committees and Other Public Bodies
12. Management Reports


13. Correspondence and Information
14. Additional Public Comment
15. Adjournment

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