Hanover Borough Council Meeting – 12/15/2021

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+1301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 824 3215 8458
Passcode: 240179
DECEMBER 15, 2021 – 7:00 PM
1. Public Comment
2. Acknowledgement of Executive Session: held Tuesday, December 7, 2021
3. Consent Agenda
a. Minutes: Approval of Minutes ofNovember 17, 2021
b. Finance Reports:
i. Approve Bills for Payment
ii. Accept Monthly Financial Statement
iii. Accept Report of Monthly Investments
c. Insurance Brokers of Record (unchanged since 2020): Vote to approve Stoudt
Advisors in the amount of $10,000 and C.A. Weber in the Amount of $25,000
d. Sunshine Act: Approve advertisement of 2022 meeting schedule
e. Sheppard Myers Dam Project: Approve a change order to the contract of KC
Construction for a 40-day time extension, at no cost to the Borough, due to a
delay in regulatory approval
f. 2021 RACP Grant Award- UPMC Hanover Emergency Dept (ED) and ED
Behavioral Health Renovation: Authorize execution of letter of acceptance on
behalf of UPMC Hanover Emergency Department
g. Market House: Approve vendor lease
i. Morris & Lisa Cooper, Cooper’s Cakes
h. Special Events: Approve permit applications
i. Walk for Water: Moul Field, 4/30/22
ii. Snack Town Street Fair: downtown, 7/16/22

4. Presentations & Interviews
a. York County Rail Trail Authority: Update on the Hanover Trolley Trail Project
by Frank Kempf and Gwen Loose
b. Meet New Employees
1. Valerie Myers, Administrative Assistant: Borough Communication
ii. Chris Miller, New Building Permit Manager/Zoning Officer
c. Interview Candidates for appointed positions
1. Zoning Board – Gary Bond (incumbent), Philip Baum, William Markel
11. Property Maintenance Code Appeals Board – Philip Baum
m. Recreation Board_-Tammy Haire
5. Finance, Personnel and Administration
a. Zoning Officer: Appoint Chris Miller to the position of Borough Zoning Officer
b. Appointed positions: Make appointments to the following positions:
Board of Commission Term Potential Am�ointees
Vacancy Board 2 years Brian O’Neill*
Stormwater Authority 5 years Jeanine Pranses*
Police Pension Committee 2 years John J. Riley Jr.*
Police Pension Committee 2 years C. Edward Good*
Police Pension Committee 2 years Larry Bream*
Zoning Hearing Board 3 years Gary Bond*, Philip Baum, William Markel
Sewage Enforcement Officer 2 years Douglas Stambaugh*
Alt. Sewage Enforcement Officer 2 years Dean Shultz*
Property Main. Code Appeals Board 3 years Philip Baum
Hanover Fire & Rescue Commission 2 years Christopher Lockard*
Alternate Hanover Fire & Rescue Please select Council appointee
Hanover Recreation Board 5 years Stan DeHoff*
Hanover Recreation Board 5 years Tammy Haire
Economic Development Corporation 3 years
*indicates incumbent
c. 2022 Budget: Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution adopting budgets
for fiscal year 2022 for all Hanover funds.
d. 2022 Tax Levy: Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution levying taxes
for the year 2022.
e. 2022 General Insurance: Consideration of a motion approving the 2022 Liability
and Workers’ Compensation coverage at a cost of— through Selective Insurance
f. Borough Fee Schedule: Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution revising
a schedule of fees for permits, licenses, and services provided by the Borough
effective January 1, 2022.
g. Compensation and Health Insurance Coverage for Non-Union Employees:
Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution setting compensation and health
insurance contributions for certain Borough employees for 2022.
h. 2021, 2022 and 2023 Audits: Award Contract to ………… for $X for 2021, $X for
2022 and $X for 2023 (Proposals will be opened Friday 1211 OJ
1. Mayor’s Salary Ordinance: Consideration of a motion to adopt Ordinance No. –­
entitled: “An Ordinance amending Ordinance NO. 601 entitled an Ordinance
fixing salaries, compensation, bonds, and certain duties of Borough Officials”
(Sets Mayor’s salary at $0 compensation for 2022)
J. Borough Manager Ordinance: Vote to approve an Ordinance to amend Chapter
16, Powers and Duties of Borough Manager, to allow for the Borough Manager to
send a designee to meetings of Council and Committees.
k. Classification and Compensation Study for Non-Union Employees: Vote to
accept the study for use as a guide to set non-union salaries for each position.
l. 2022 Draft Work Plan for Committees: Present for consideration by Council/
Council President in January
6. Police Department:
a. York County Safety Collaborative: Vote to execute a “Fiscal Sponsor Agreement”
between Logos Works and the York County Chiefs of Police Association, now
referred to as the Yark County Safety Collaborative.
7. Department of Planning and Engineering
a. Doss Alley Conversion: Approve Community Development Block Grant contract
with York County in the amount of $421,000.
b. Rental Inspection Program: Approve program models I options and agree upon
next steps for DPE efforts.
8. Hanover Economic Development Corporation: Vote to advertise an ordinance to
appropriate $30,000 from the approved 2021 Budget from the General Fund to the HEDC
for the purposes of stimulating economic development in the Borough of Hanover.
9. Reports of Council Members, Council Committees and Other Public Bodies
10. Management Reports
11. Correspondence and Information
12. Additional Public Comment
13. Adjournment

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