NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Borough of Gettysburg will conduct a public
participation meeting on Monday, July 24, 2023 at 6:30 PM at a special meeting of the Borough
Council, in order to discuss community needs for funding under the fiscal year 2023 State
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. This meeting’s purpose is to solicit
citizen input on possible activities to be included in these applications, as well as past
performance. The meeting will be held at the Gettysburg Municipal Building, 59 East High
Street, Troxell Council Chambers, Gettysburg, PA 17325
Gettysburg Borough will receive an allocation of $129,141 in FY2023 CDBG funds from the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Gettysburg Borough’s CDBG funds may be used to benefit
a variety of activities including water and sewer systems, streets, housing rehabilitation,
emergency housing assistance, recreation and community facilities, new public services,
historic preservation, removal of architectural barriers, blight removal, economic development,
and administration and planning. The Borough must demonstrate that approved projects (1)
benefit low to moderate income persons, (2) remove slums or blight, or (3) meet an urgent
community need.
The Borough anticipates submitting an application through the County of Adams under the
State FY2023 Entitlement CDBG Program. It is anticipated that no less than 70% of the
approved grant funds will benefit low to moderate income persons. Further, it is anticipated that
none of the proposed activities will result in temporary or permanent displacement of any
households. However, in the event that displacement should occur, the Borough’s policy for
minimizing such displacement would be in effect. Gettysburg Borough is responsible for
replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a
result of the use of CDBG funds.
The purpose of this public hearing is to give citizens an opportunity to make their comments
known regarding what types of eligible activities Gettysburg Borough should apply for under
the State CDBG programs. A separate public meeting will be held August 28, 2023, to approve
the final application and budget allocation amounts.
Anyone requiring special accommodations to participate in the public hearing, or anyone with
limited English language proficiency requiring translation services, should contact Sara Stull,
Assistant Borough Manager, by phone at (717) 334-1160 x240 or by email at
Borough of Gettysburg
Borough Council Public Hearing Agenda
July 24, 2023 – 6:30 PM
Special Council Meeting – Public Hearing on Proposed Use of
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds
3 by Monday, July 17nd 2023. All Borough offices are handicapped
accessible ..
If you are unable to attend the public hearing, you may direct written comments to Sara Stull,
Assistant Borough Manager, by phone at (717) 334-1160 x240 or by email at or via mail at the Borough of Gettysburg, Attention: Assistant
Borough Manager, 59 East High Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325 by Monday, August17 2023.
The County of Adams and Gettysburg Borough promote fair housing and makes its entire
program available to low and moderate income families regardless of age, ancestry, race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, handicap, disability, familial status, or use of guide or support
animals due to the blindness, deafness, or physical handicap of the user, or the handling or
training of support or guide animals.
Wesley K. Heyser, Council President
Charles R. Gable, Borough Manager
I. Call to Order President Heyser
II. Roll Call
Introduce everyone in attendance for the record, including staff,
Council Members, journalists, and the public
III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
CDBG Public Hearing #1 July 24, 2023 6:30 PM
CDBG Public Hearing #2 August 28, 2023 6:30 PM
IV. 2023 CDBG Funding Level and Process Gable / Marshall
2023 CDBG = $129,141
V. Public Comment
Citizen input on possible activities and use of CDBG funds
VI. Adjournment
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