Gettysburg Borough Council Meetig – 1/10/2022

View the full agenda here
I. Council – Call to Order President Heyser
II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance President Heyser
III. Welcome and Opening Remarks President Heyser
IV. Announcements President Heyser
An executive session of the Borough Council of the Borough of Gettysburg was
conducted following the adjournment of the January 3, 2022 organization meeting of
the Borough Council, commencing at 5:30 p.m., consistent with section 708(a)(4) and
section 708(a)(5) of the Sunshine Act.
An executive session of the Borough Council will be conducted immediately following
the adjournment of this evening’s meeting consistent with section 708(a)(1), section
708(a)(4) and section 708(a)(5) of the Sunshine Act for the following purposes: (1) to
discuss matters involving the employment, and the terms and conditions of
employment, of current or prospective Borough employees; (2) to receive, review and
discuss information in connection with issues on which identifiable complaints have
been made or are expected to be filed; and (3) to review and discuss matters of
Borough business which, if conducted in public, would violate a lawful privilege or
could lead to the disclosure of information or matters of confidentiality protected by
V. Approval of Agenda and Minutes – Council
A motion to approve the January 10, 2022 agenda as presented.
A motion to approve minutes of the Council Business Meeting of December 13, 2021
and Council Organization Meeting of January 3, 2022 as presented.
VI. Public Comment (Restricted to Items on the Agenda)
VII. Current and Old Business
A. Department of Planning /Zoning/Code Enforcement
1. Departmental Report Carly Marshall
2. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to accept the application of Melissa Vayda for a Zoning Text Amendment
related to Vacation Rentals in the Institutional District.
B. Department of Historic & Environmental Preservation
1. Departmental Report Debra English
C. Parking Department
1. Departmental Report Becka Fissel
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 10, 2022 – 7:00 PM
D. Public Works Department
1. Departmental Report Robert Harbaugh
E. Borough Engineer
1. Engineer Report Chad Clabaugh
2. Motions Needing Council Action
Motion to purchase the Garden Wall material for use on the South St. Project from
Hanover Architectural at an estimated cost of $6,500.
Motion to authorize Clabaugh Excavating Inc. to construct the garden wall and close
in the basement entry associated with the South St. Project at their estimate of
Motion to authorize the negotiation and completion of an agreement with Kenneth
and Debbie Kauffman for the abandonment of the basement entry at
344_Washington Street.
F. Police Department
1. Departmental Report Chief Robert Glenny
G. Office of the Manager/Treasurer
1. Borough Secretary’s Report Sara L. Stull
2. Borough Manager’s Report Charles R. Gable
3. Motions Needing Council Action
A motion to approve all bills and payrolls for the month as presented.
A motion to accept the J. P. Harris Tax Exoneration report for tax year 2010 and
2011 as presented.
A motion to authorize a COLA increase for retired police pensioner Douglas
McKinney, to be paid from the Police Pension Plan effective January 1, 2022.
A motion to adopt a resolution No. 011022-1 appointing Rodger Goodacre as a
member of the Gettysburg Borough Zoning Hearing Board for a five (5) year term,
commencing in January 2022 and expiring in January 2027.
A motion to adopt a resolution No. 011022-2 appointing Timothy Good as a member
of the Gettysburg Municipal Authority for a five (5) year term, commencing in
January 2022 and expiring in January 2027.
A motion to appoint Rebecca Brown as an alternate member of the Gettysburg
Borough Shade Tree Commission to complete the unexpired term of Richard Ezell
expiring in October 2022.
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 10, 2022 – 7:00 PM
A motion to appoint Michael Malewicki as a member of the Gettysburg Borough
Storm Water Authority for a five (5 )year term, commencing in January 2022 and
expiring in January 2027.
A motion to appoint Tammy Murdorf as a representative to the York Adams Tax
Bureau (YATB) and to appoint Lisa Angstadt as an alternate representative to the
York Adams Tax Bureau.
A motion to appoint Tammy Murdorf as a voting delegate to the Adams County Tax
Collection Committee (ACTCC) and to appoint Lisa Angstadt as an alternate voting
delegate to the Adams County Tax Collection Committee.
A motion to adopt Resolution No. 011022-3 supporting the Pennsylvania Commission
for the United States semi-quincentennial (AMERICA250PA).
A motion to adopt a resolution No. 011022-4 appointing Kierstan Demps as an
alternate member of the Gettysburg Borough Planning Commission for a four (4)
year term, commencing in January 2022 and expiring in January 2026.
VIII. Reports
A. Liaison Reports
1. MSG Jill Sellers
3. GMA Christopher Berger
4. Steinwehr Avenue Heart of Gettysburg Battlefield
(SAHGB) Judith Butterfield
5. Adams County Boroughs Association (ACBA)
6. Adams County Council of Governments (COG) John Lawver
7. Adams County Transportation Planning Organization
(ACTPO) Judith Butterfield
8. Adams County Heroin Awareness Task Force Matt Moon
9. Trail Feasibility Study Christopher Berger
10. Healthy Adams Bicycle Pedestrian Inc. (HABPI) Patricia Lawson
B. Other Reports
1. Recycling Report
2. Gettysburg Fire Department Report
3. Adams County EMS Report
IX. Elected Official’s Comments
A. Mayor Rita Frealing
B. Wesley Heyser
C. Matthew Moon
Borough of Gettysburg
Council Business Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 10, 2022 – 7:00 PM
D. Judith Butterfield
E. Patricia Lawson
F. John Lawver
G. Christopher Berger
H. Chad-Alan Carr
X. Public Comment
XI. Adjournment
XII. Executive Session

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